Benchmark - 85L9253

Benchmark Number 85L9253
Established In 1985
Condition GOOD
Latitude 46.389
Longitude -72.379812
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description CHS convex zinc tablet stamped 85L9253, set horizontally in the south wall of the first pillar, northeast of Alphonse Deshaies Blvd between Raoul Duchesne and Pierre Thibault blvds, supporting a conveyor for the Becancour smelter. The BM is located 2.05 m from a beacon, 0.22 m from the southwest corner of the pillar, 0.79 m above ground level, 8.75 m from the edge of the pavement and 1.00 m above it.
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
2019-06-12 5.135 ACTIVE CD